Sunday, February 19, 2006

cK in the Frank Gehry Exhibit

Plus BodyWorld Exhibit, Mongolian Grill and Vodka Shots!

It has been planned for months... My pals Vinh, Bo Wen and I wanted to see the BodyWorld exhibit that was going on at the Ontario Science Centre. February was the last month this was going to, so we had little time to see it. We got tickets for a reserved time and planned to go. The same day, at the Art Gallery of Ontario had an exhibit of world reknowned architect, Frank Gehry, showcasing his art and architectural work. So we were going to hit both places the same day.

Before starting out, we went to have a bite to eat. Vinh recommended this small diner. When we pulled up to it, he warned me not to judge this place by how it looks. Its a classic diner with the same classic prices. We went in, and he was right. This little diner has the same tables, chairs and price menu from maybe the 60's or 50's. We ate some food... and then we were on our way.

First stop: Art Gallery of Ontario

I had 4 free tickets waiting for me at the info desk. I picked them up and was on my way with my pals to the exhibit when I bump into a longtime friend, Angus Mueller. Back in 1996, I was a teen volunteer at the Gallery and Angus was the main security person that would check me into the building. We'd always have nice conversations. His god-daughter also went to my high school. Anyways, it was really nice to see a person from my past.

Okay, so the Frank Gehry Exhibit. It is an exhibit that I was personally involved in. In January, I was asked by an AGO rep to come in for an on screen camera interview discussing ' what I would like to see in the new gallery ' and more questions like that. The interview was mixed in with other people of the arts community: art professors, teachers and educators. It was then put into the actual Frank Gehry exhibit where Frank Gehry himself got to listen to what cK had to say.

We toured through the exhibit, and looked at what Frank Gehry has designed worldwide. His latest project is the $500 million renovation of the Art Gallery of Ontario. A project that will be completed in the next 10 years. The exhibit itself was interesting. There was one interactive section where you can design your own building with different shaped blocks. That was cool. Well, we breezed through there and then headed out to the next adventure of the day.

Art Gallery of Ontario
Bo Wen, Vinh and cK
cK and longtime friend, Angus

That is me on the screen in the Frank Gehry Exhibit

Second stop: Ontario Science Centre

We got to the BodyWorld exhibit and parking was full. So we had to park in a residential street walking for 10 minutes in the blistering cold. The center was packed with people.
There were NO Cameras, Cellphones or any recording devices allowed into the exhibit. I knew security would be looking out for people like me, so I maintained a low profile.

What exactly the BodyWorld exhibit is, is that a lot of human bodies were donated to science. With these human bodies, some artists and people of that sort plastercized the bodies to maintain them as they were still in living form. Some examples were just bones, muscle structure, nerve structure and so on. Creepy at first, yes. But as you get more into it, you begin to appreciate the amazing built-in technology of our human body.

I was impressed that there were a large amount of children touring the exhibit. Of course many of them would say, "Gross" or "eeeewww" but they still did not seemed disturbed or sickened by it. The exhibit was $25. Or Vinh will tell you $27+ including the processing fee or something. Was it worth it? Umm.. I think that it was cool, I think maybe $22 would have been better. It was very educational though, I must say.

Welcome to the Ontario Science Centre!
Bo Wen, Vinh and cK
sneaked photo

(another sneaked photo) This is a real body that was donated to science

Third stop: Genghis Khan's Mongolian Grill

After seeing lots of bodies, ligaments and muscle tissue - we were hungry! So we went looking for something to eat. We were driving up Don Mills Rd looking for a Jack Astor's Bar and Grill when I saw on my left side - a big sign that read: Genghis Khan's Mongolian Grill. The last time I was at Mongolian Grill, was when I lived in Florida around 2001. There was one by my work. So since Vinh and Bo Wen haven't ever been to one, this was another adventure waiting to happen.

If you haven't ever been to one, this is how it goes. A mongolian type of grill is like an all you can eat buffet --- but... you are the chef. You have a bowl, and get to select uncooked meats or seafood strips. After choosing slices of lamb, beef, chicken, pork or all of the above - you then move to the next table where you add other things like onions, noodles, and so on. The last 2 tables are full of an arrangement of sauces, spices or any last seasonings you would like to put. From there you move into the chef's area. You place your bowl on a ledge and then a chef takes it and cooks it right in front of you on a flat grill. It is ready in about 60 seconds or so.

The food there was really good. Besides making your own dish, there were ready made foods that were available to pick from. I wanted to take pics, but after a while the restaurant got very busy and I didn't think I would be allowed to bother the chefs. So I took a pic from outside.

Fourth stop: Vinh & Bo Wen's Place

After leaving the restaurant, it was only 7:30pm... our day was on a roll and we didn't want to just end it there. We wanted to do something else. Can't go clubbing, I wasn't wearing "suitable" clothing. So maybe go to a bar and hang out, play some pool or something. So the first stop was Vinh & Bo Wen's place where we had a little to drink before we went to the bar. We were drinking Vodka Twistee Shots.

Let's Toast To Good Friends!

Scaredy was into the shots too!

Fifth stop: The Blue RiverHouse Bar

We walked to the local bar called the Blue RiverHouse. Its quite tiny when you walk in, but there is cozy space in the back. Equipped with 2 pool tables and a foosball table. Vinh challenged me to a round of foosball, where I royally got my butt handed to me. I was a little rusty, but I would improve the more rounds we played. There was a 42 inch lcd tv in the private room where we played. Fear Factor was on and playing in the background. We played some rounds of pool and would chill on the couches and chat. The environment was nice. We made it fun.

Let's Toast (again) To Good Friends!
cK & Vinh
Contemplating A Shot
13 ball, side pocket
Daryl blatantly disregards the sign
cK and Vinh posing
The Beer Pitcher is EMPTY!
Vinh takes a Shot!
Bo Wen takes a Shot

So that is pretty much it. After the Blue RiverHouse, we went back to Vinh & Bo Wen's place for a little more chill time. I then left as the sun was rising. It was quite the adventurous Saturday!

posted at on Sunday, February 19, 2006 by cK - Category: CrazyKelvin Adventures - 4773 views


Previous Comments

Da n8 wrote: happy bird day u rass
Friday, February 24, 2006

Vinh Duong wrote: It was 27 + a 90 cent shipping fee! Which is crazy because it's getting shipped through wires to my computer and to the printer! Not even on their paper!!! But overall, it was worth it. Had a splended day and night and morning. The adventure lasted longer then I thought. CHEERS to the great documenting of the day!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Vinh Duong wrote: Oh, you forgot to mention pictures were forbidden at the Art Gallery too. But I guess I'm getting crazy myself taking that picture of you while the security was right behind you. I guess you're rubbing off on me. lol
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

DeViLgYaL wrote: Everyone Loves CK on TV!!!!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Da Limp wrote: Bo Wen is fyynnee. IMO
Friday, March 03, 2006

Ruby wrote: happy birthday hun
Saturday, March 18, 2006
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